Alan MacKay

Managing Partner and Founder

Alan has over 30 years private equity investment experience, with a strong track record of dedicated healthcare investing.

Previously, Alan was a board member at 3i plc, led the build-out of the 3i Europe office network, and founded 3i’s healthcare sector team as Global Head of Healthcare. Subsequently, Alan was founder, CEO and Chairman of the Investment Committee at Hermes GPE, an active co-investor in private equity-backed healthcare.

Alan is currently a member of the board at Alcami, RoslinCT, X-Chem, Ardena, Sterling and Linimed and previously Quotient Sciences until its successful exit.

Alan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law, an MSc in Enterprise and is a graduate of the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. Originally from Scotland, Alan has worked and lived across continental Europe as well as leading deals in North America. He was Chair of the BVCA and for a number of years chaired the BVCA Responsible Investment Advisory Board, and is currently Chairman of the European Healthcare Investors Association (EHIA).